Monday, November 30, 2009

The Sure Way To Get Your Ads On Google

Would it not be nice to have a simple, easy way to get your ads listed on Google? Well, read on, because that's what this article is all about. Before we get started, just let me say this. This process is completely Free!  I'm merely passing this along as one person trying to help another person. You can do the same if you want to. You don't have to, but you have that option. Give it to just a few friends or give it to everyone you know on the internet. Hey, that's a good way to meet new people online. Just give them something and they will always remember you.

To Succeed Online, You Must Be Listed on Google

Now, let's get down to the business of a simple, easy way to get your ads listed on Google. But first let me say this. If you know anything about making money online, you know without a doubt, you must be listed on Google. However, this can be very hard to do. All the so-called internet gurus always tell you the same thing. "You must buy my software" to get listed on Google. Right? Well, I'm here to prove them wrong. Below I will show you a simple, easy way to get your ads listed on Google and it won't cost you a dime. I won't even ask you for your email address. Why would I do this? Well, like I stated above. Provide someone something with real value and they will remember you forever. Sooner or later they might do you a favor, like buy something from you!

That's why you need to share this with other people also. Think about it. Think you could build a list by giving away this information? Just set up a program advertising a "easy way to get your ads on Google".
Collect their name and email address in exchange for the information you are reading right now. Send your
customers to     to get their free info on a Easy Way To Get Your Ads Listed On Page One Of Google!

You Ask, How Can I Get My Ads Listed On Google?

First, You have to write your ads to sound like a review, not an ad. Second, your subject line or ad title must be a Google search. And what is a Google search? Here's an example.. Let's say you were selling a eBook about Fishing. A Google searcher might search for the phrase "How to catch more fish". Then "How To Catch More Fish" would be your subject line or ad title. The body of your ad should contain "How to Catch More Fish" in the first or second line. The rest of your ad can tell all the benefits your product offers. In ads that's more than one paragraph try to repeat "How To Catch More Fish" somewhere near the bottom of your ad. Below is a example of a ad. We will still use the fishing ad.

Ad Title..........How to Catch More Fish
Ad Body.........Every fisherman wants to know the same thing. That is how to catch more fish.
Benefit  for Customer..........Can be accomplished by the customer. Point out all the benefits the customer will get from your product. Write your ad as if you were talking directly to a person. Your ad should be long enough to say what you want your customer to hear.
Show How to Order...Find out how!  Your website or affiliate site.

The above ad senerio is just a small example. Practice writing ads to present your product. A good review ad is about 100 to 200 words. Remember, your main goal is to attract Google. Use your "phrase" to do this.

Now, when you have your ad written and ready to go, where do you place your ad. Since I know that some online ad sites are a complete waste of time to even fool with, I can highly recommend one site to place ads.
That site is BackPage. Why?  Because Google loves. Google crawls BackPage  very often to find advertisements to index and list. And once Google list your ad, it can stay for months or even years. So using our "fishing" example, when a fisherman searches Google using your phrase or a portion of your phrase, your ad could be in the top 5 or 10 Google ads.

Oh, did I mention that you can run ads on BackPage for FREE! That makes this little trick a little better. Right? Be sure to read all the rules about BackPage before you post your ads. It's real simple, but go ahead and spend a little time educating yourself!

One other thing I should tell you is this. Run your ads in the top 20 cities listed  on BackPage. It's the largest US cities. Google seems to search for ads more in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Phoenix, Seattle, Houston and Atlanta to name a few.

Click Here or go to
to start a BackPage account.

This concludes what I have for you for now.

Take Care